Tag Archives: U2


Day 64 started with an inspiring and uplifting text from one artistic brother to another, my man Hiram, definitely one of the best around. Peace bro. What a gorgeous day it is indeed. Another gorgeous day to possibly get it right this time. So, to all of my friends, family and artists, may you FIND what you’re looking for.

Today, I found a little tidbit of info regarding how some artists (musicians) are still thriving in a non-thriving market, and in this list, lets see where rappers are placing, because as of right now, U2 is eating ALL the bread. Billboard has a Top 40 Money Makers list that was just published, listing the revenue generated from ALL streams including physical sales, downloads, publishing etc, but the most successful artist all have one thing in common..”TOURING.” If you aren’t touring with a dedicated fanbase, its back to peanut butter and jelly “sammiches.”

U2 tops the list at the NUMBER ONE SPOTTTT!!! (echo here)…with $108m. The number 2, or the “first loser,” a losing spot I wouldn’t mind sitting in, considering that “The Boss” Bruce Springsteen rounded up $57m. Rounding out the top 5 were Madonna, AC/DC and Britney Spears at #5 with $38m. As I rolled down the list approaching the 10’s, 20’s and then the 30’s, there were NO RAPPERS!…LOL. Slowly scrolling from 35…34….33…32…31 to…..(BLING)

Lil Wayne is at #30 with $12 M’s, right behind Tina Turner with $13m. Who would have thought many years ago at Tina’s peak, that a rapper would soon be earning as much as her.
Well, what’s even more odd, is that Wayne is the ONLY rapper that made the list!…WOW!!