Tag Archives: sandwich



It’s rumored that the United States in falling into a “recession,” but for the record, I don’t buy rumors. BUT, what I DO buy is: Peanut butter, Jelly, and bread!

We’re serious, yet simple guys. We discuss world domination and budgets over PBJ’s. PBJ’s taste good now, and if we ever witness a recession, them joints are gonna taste like gourmet entrees to some people. Recession or not…we don’t need a plush suite with a catered lunch to feel as if we’re getting something accomplished during our meetings.

Grape Jelly, Crunchy Peanut Butter and wheat bread or multi-grain…OOOWEEE!!!
thats what you call a “Saamitch” – a good sandwich with little prep that can be eaten at any time of the day/night.