Tag Archives: New Era


One of the things that motivates me most is when I see other artists come up with things that make me say to myself, “How in the world did they do THAT!?” I admire creativity. When an artists does something incredible and unique that I just can’t see myself doing…I HAVE to take my hat off.

The design above and the video below are glimpses as greatness. A faux swimming pool? WOW!
Now THIS is something we haven’t seen on MTV Cribs.!! Please warn friends before the pool party starts.


(Flyer design: TrevThorne for SoapBox Creative Group) “Get at him for work, but make sure your money ain’t short.” This is NOT a hook-up coupon. LOL

Hip Hop will literally be “IN DA’ BILLDIN” this coming Friday, Sept. 26.
IN DA’ BILLDIN: Short for “In the building.” It means that a person has arrived; the making of an announcement that a person or a thing is now here.

Sooooo…Hip Hop will be at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery this Friday in a major way. It’s a FREE event with some of the top artists, breakers, dj’s and emcees in the area performing LIVE demonstrations and concluding with a massive concert. This is an All Ages event. See flyer above.

Oh Yeah….LOTS of giveaways.


1, 2, 3…IN the Place to Be!!!
Live and in full effect, in exactly two weeks, Hip Hop will step back inside the Albright-Knox Art Gallery with a fresh pair of Shell Toe A-Dogs. For those of you that are slang-challenged, no pets allowed!! A-Dogs is an expression used for a pair of Adidas, so get a pair and be there!!!

This year will be Bigger, Better and Deffer! We’ll be featuring some of Buffalo’s hottest talents, breakers, graff writers, dj’s and emcees with lots of fun and giveaways. Did I mention that the event is FREE! What other event in Buffalo can you be safely entertained by dope, authentic, original hip hop music and go home with prizes and giveaways without ever having to spend a dime?!

Props to TrevThorne for the handy-mac work on the flyer.

Read more about it. Here!


black Beard, Bauer and Bono

Recently the team traveled to NYC for the CMJ Conference, where basically throughout the city, it’s a free-for-all for all artists, both established and emerging, to hand out as much promo music and merch as humanly possible. The goal is to meet as many people as possible in like 48 hours, it’s almost like the Amazing Race of indie music.

We set out at night around 7pm if i remember correctly, much to the chagrin of Mr. Black Beard, for good reason though. Seven hours of riding in darkness is not cool whatsoever. Nor is arriving in New York at like 2 a.m. to crash at a friends apartment with mad stuff to unload, but hey….lets go!

OK, passengers were Pirate/Ship captain Black Beard, Blackjack Jim Duggan impersonator (not shown), Damon aka “D” Promoter (not shown), Black Bauer and myself.
So two white guys, two black buys and a puerto rican jump into a Mini Van as if it were the start of a BAD JOKE, and we head for the “apple.”

Pirate Black Beard kept it so retro that prior to leaving the town, he encouraged us to bring “TAPES…Cassette Tapes.” WOW! We actually had the pleasure of bumping some pretty dated yet classic material on the way down.
***sidebar thought – “Does anyone remember having tape players or walkmans that only had a FWD button? You had to remove the tape, flip it and fast foward the other side, just in order to rewind the reverse side that you were listening to! RETRO!!
***sidebar thought II – “If you have an iPod, sooooo! You aint SPIT and aint lived unless you are able to share a tape player/walkman story.”

*You’ll need a destination or a point B, allowing you to travel from point A with purpose
*White mini van with New Era magnets on each side. Why!? Looks like you are official, like you may have boxes of promotional fitted hats in the cargo. Also, you are able to distinguish your “VeeHackle” from the other registerd dirty white vans.
*Two white guys (one really thin, young and fearless and the other with 80’s wrestler beard that can rap REALLY sweet)
*Two black guys (one with glasses, the other without…so that way if something goes down everyone can say….”The dude with the glasses did it.”)
*One Puerto Rican, Latino, doesnt matter really, just another ethnicity to round out what sounds like the start of a bad joke. Make sure he has coffee for the long ride and make sure that he looks like he could be in a “terrorist line-up.” The risk or being pulled over because of his beard makes the trip more interesting.

PART II to follow….stay tuned for “This aint New York! Why are we in Jersey?”