At the request of some friends, one of whom had a birthday on the day of the WBFO show, May 28, I am finally able to bring the journey from Spain, back home to the states, primarily Buffalo!

On May 28, I had the PLEASURE of being the first Hip Hop artist to perform on the stage Live at Allen Hall (UB South Campus) as a part of WBFO’s long running Wednesday Night concert series. I can’t thank the people at WBFO enough for the opportunity, professionalism, and hospitality. Alison, Bert, Ken, the stage hands, the volunteers, the sound man (by the way it sounded awesome on-air), Brenda and many many others. My apologies for not remembering everyone’s name.

I know its a couple weeks later, and many of you may have listened to the podcast already, but click the play button above to hear it again or to hear it for the first time, whichever applies.

Pictures from the WBFO show courtesy of Kenny Macdonald©.

About by Edreys

Edreys Wajed is a catalyst of inspiration and a walking enterprise of all things creative. The Buffalo native boasts a toolbox chock-full with talents and experiences ranging from a visual artist, jewelry designer and musical entertainer, to an educator and entrepreneur with notable recognitions respectfully in each. His approach in each endeavor is soundly unique, high quality and signature in presentation, having found his course as a creator early in life. As early as 14 years of age, when his mother invested in a pair of hair clippers for him, seeing as she could no longer afford to pay for his haircuts, Edreys taught himself the trade of barbering and soon began making money for himself in the basement of his childhood home. With his artistic ability he also began growing a client base and reputation for customized hats and clothes as well as logo design by hand, long before learning graphics in college. His creativity, craftsmanship and passion to inspire people are what drives his spirit of entrepreneurship. From having run his own stationery boutique and art gallery shared with his wife; touring nationally and internationally as a hip hop artist, Edreys is exceptionally diverse with his avenues of expression, including the fine craft of jewelry making, passed down from his father and master craftsman. Edreys is most recently recognized locally for his contribution as an artist on the Freedom Wall which features 28 civil rights dignitaries, 7 of which he painted with his unique style and use of line. “Creativity is my neighbor, I live by it,” says Edreys. View all posts by by Edreys

One response to “LIVE AT WBFO

  • dr_wisz

    I was there, I was that guy with the B-day and it was awesome. It was cool to see the pics. I was disappointed that your ‘shout out’ to me for my B-day was edited (probably for space) from the pod-cast…. I was hoping to hear it again and sample it!

    Great gig, good times… lets do it again?

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