Tag Archives: influence



By the way, all material posted here (music and otherwise) are always 100% clean (edited), except for when it’s about “Yo Mama!” lol

DUI: The blazing hot track produced by Tone X aka Black Beard the Pirate.
Some pretty bad things happen when you are found to be DUI, (arrests, crashes, bumps and bruises, memory loss etc.)

The same applies across the board whether operating a vehicle, cooking or listening to music, being DUI can have you doing some pretty dumb stuff. Like “cranking the superman” when the song is actually calling for you to “crank dat batman.” OR…living DUI may even influence you to make your own song about “cranking” some other super hero and putting it on YouTube and hoping for successs.

If the picture above appears blurry…then maybe you are DUI right now!!! Or maybe you need to take a break from your screen.

Whatever you do…DO IT SOBER!!
